Make all types of payments

With ZRU you can manage all types of payments. We accept everything from one-time payments to recurring payments and card authorizations so you can charge your customer when and how you need to. We do all this securely so you don't have to worry about anything.

One-time payments. Offer your customers the payment method they prefer, either by card or alternative payment methods.


We support subscriptions. You can charge your customers every week, month or year, as you define it. Simple and transparent.


Tokenization of card or other payment methods. We store your customers' payment details so that you can make charges in the future.

Payment methods

Freedom to change payment methods

Borderless payments.
Changing and adding payment methods is an immediate process, avoiding hours of development and testing. You can manage it from our dashboard and you will immediately have it available.

Explore our payment methods


No payment left behind

Reduce card charging errors and increase your profit by defining routes that will be applied when you need them.

See more

payment screens

Customize your payment screens

Determine everything related to the payment screens your customers will see: which payment methods you show, which card processors you use, define the visual of the screen and perform A/B testing to see which works best.

IVR Payments

Secure payments by phone call

Our system requests card details from the customer and confirms the payment without any agent having to be involved ensuring PCI compliance.


Choose how your customers will see it

A multi-channel solution. Whether desktop, tablet or mobile, your customer will always have the same payment experience thanks to our three ways of integrating ZRU, ranging from a simple redirect to having it all on your website.


The whole process would be inside your website. The customer places the order and at the time of payment the options are displayed directly on your website, without redirection or iframe.


Everything related to the payment is handled by ZRU. The customer places the order and at the time of payment an iframe with the payment screen is displayed. The customer will have the feeling that they are still on your website and we take care of receiving the sensitive data.


This is the simplest integration of all. Everything related to payment is handled by ZRU. The customer places the order on your website and at the time of payment is directed to our URL to make the purchase.


The whole process would be inside your website. The customer places the order and at the time of payment the options are displayed directly on your website, without redirection or iframe.


Everything related to the payment is handled by ZRU. The customer places the order and at the time of payment an iframe with the payment screen is displayed. The customer will have the feeling that they are still on your website and we take care of receiving the sensitive data.


This is the simplest integration of all. Everything related to payment is handled by ZRU. The customer places the order on your website and at the time of payment is directed to our URL to make the purchase.


Security is in our DNA

Payment platform and security should always be synonymous, which is why at ZRU we give it the importance it deserves. We comply with the highest current regulations (PCI DSS Level 1), limiting the requirements you must meet to a minimum and, of course, we advise you at all times.


Management and control tools

Make decisions based on our dashboard reports. You will be able to see which payment screens convert best, which payment methods your customers prefer and what acceptance rate each processor you use has.

Read more about dashboard

A payments platform designed for your business

Offer payment methods adapted to the region of your buyers.
Manage your marketplace funds without depending on any processor.
Get a scalable and global payment solution, saving time and money.
Negotiate your commissions from an advantageous position thanks to the freedom to change we give you.
Fintech & Banking
Use our turnkey solution as a white label and offer your services in the shortest time possible.


Tailored solution

We make it easy for you to integrate with our platform in the way you prefer.

By link without integration

It is as easy as placing a link on your website and start charging; you don't need any integration to ZRU.


Start using us in a matter of minutes thanks to our plugins. We have plugins for WooCommerce, GravityForms, Prestashop, Magento and more.

API + Libraries

Connect to our API with very complete libraries of the main programming languages. The connection is simple and we assist you at all times.

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